Refund and Return Policy

Refund Policy

Our policy does not permit for any prescribed medication to be returned – this is for safety reasons and we are not authorized to re-sell returned tablets.


If you have ordered any of our medicines that are to be delivered by post, you have the right to cancel such an order up until the point that your medication is shipped. Your right to cancel the order ends on the date of the dispatch confirmation (the date on which we inform you to confirm our receipt of your order), which is when the bond between us is formed.

Returns & Refund

We hope that you will be pleased with any medication that you order from us. However, in the event that you desire to return medication to us because it is:

  • Not as described;
  • Damaged or Faulty

We will refund the value of the medication in full together with valid delivery charges and any reasonable costs that you acquire in returning the item to us.

We will reimbursement you on the credit card or debit card used by you to pay. If the card that you used to pay with expires before the refund is made, please contact us to provide your new card details.

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